Quick Reference Guide

This quick reference guide aims to provide guidance on POS key functions.


Resetting Sales

Logging on EFTPOS

Reprinting a Receipt

Reprinting a Production Docket

Clearing (Voiding) a Sale

Cash Refund (full or partial)

Integrated EFTPOS Refund (full or partial)

Downloading an Update

Exiting the POS

Recording a Tip

Setting the Home Keypad

Resending Sales

Accessing POS Reports

Resetting Sales

Resetting sales
  • Use the No Sale button to open the cash drawer.
  • Choose the Admin button on the toolbar.
  • Enter your password.
  • Choose End of Day, then the POS Area Reset button
  • Select Media Type – Cash.
  • Select the Edit Amount button.
  • Enter the cash on hand by a) using the individual denominations, b) using the keyboard icon and entering the total amount, or c) use the No Variance button
  • Choose OK to save.
  • Repeat the process for any non-integrated EFTPOS media.
  • When all required media types have been actioned, choose the Reset & Upload Sales button.
  • Follow the prompts to finalise the reset.
  • A POS Area Reset Report will be printed.
  • Close the Admin window

Logging on EFTPOS

Logging on EFTPOS
  • Choose the Admin button on the toolbar.
  • Enter your password.
  • Choose EFTPOS Control, EFTPOS Control Panel option.
  • Use the Logon button (PC-EFTPOS, Linkly).
  • When Log On approved, press OK.
  • Close Control Panel and Admin window.
  • Repeat process on all terminals with an EFT pinpad attached.

Reprinting a Receipt

Reprinting receipt
  • Choose the Sales button from the toolbar.
  • Ensure the Show Sales - Finalised filter is on.
  • Ensure the Show Sales - OTC filter is on (if required).
  • Select the required sale.
  • Press the Print Sale Receipt button.
  • Close the Sales File.

Reprinting a Production Docket

Reprinting production docket


  • Choose the Sales button from the toolbar.
  • Ensure the Show Sales - Finalised filter is on
  • Ensure the Show Sales - OTC filter is on (if required).
  • Select the required sale and use the Edit Sale button to open.
    Note: The Recall Last Sale (keypad button) can be used to retrieve the sale if the sale in question has just occurred.
  • Choose the Zoom Sale button from the toolbar.
  • Use the Reprint Production button.
  • Confirm that you want to issue the reprint.
  • Close the Zoom Sale window.
  • Use the Save button to close the sale.

Clearing (Voiding) a Sale

Voiding sale
  • Choose the Sales button from the toolbar.
  • Ensure the Show Sales - Finalised filter is on
  • Ensure the Show Sales - OTC filter is on (if required).
  • Select the required sale and use the Edit Sale button to open.
    Note: The Recall Last Sale (keypad button) can be used to retrieve the sale if the sale in question has just occurred.
  • Press the Pay button.
  • Use the Clear Sale button to void the sale.
  • Confirm your action, and enter your password if prompted.

Cash Refund (full or partial)

Cash refund
  • Choose the Sales button from the toolbar.
  • Ensure the Show Sales - Finalised filter is on
  • Ensure the Show Sales - OTC filter is on (if required).
  • Select the required sale and use the Edit Sale button to open.
    Note: The Recall Last Sale (keypad button) can be used to retrieve the sale if the sale in question has just occurred.
  • Press the Pay button.
  • Press the Process Refund button.
  • Enter your password.
  • Select the item(s) to be refunded and assign them to the refund list using the Assign Item, or Assign All buttons.
  • Press the Pay Refund 1 button.
  • Choose the Cash media to issue the refund against.
  • Use the magnifier icon to display a list of the available management accounts, then select the account that the refunded items will be posted to.
  • Press the Add Credit button.
  • Now choose Finish to complete the refund.

Integrated EFTPOS Refund (full or partial)

Integrated EFTPOS
  • Choose the Sales button from the toolbar.
  • Ensure the Show Sales - Finalised filter is on
  • Ensure the Show Sales - OTC filter is on (if required).
  • Select the required sale and use the Edit Sale button to open.
    Note: The Recall Last Sale (keypad button) can be used to retrieve the sale if the sale in question has just occurred.
  • Press the Pay button.
  • Press the Process Refund button.
  • Enter your password.
  • Select the item(s) to be refunded and assign them to the refund list using the Assign Item, or Assign All buttons.
  • Press the Pay Refund 1 button.
  • Choose the eftpos media to issue the refund against. (You will be offered the original eftpos media or cash).
  • Use the magnifier icon to display a list of the available management accounts, then select the account that the refunded items will be posted to.
  • Press the Add Credit button.
  • Follow the prompts to process the refund on your eftpos pinpad.
  • Now choose Finish to complete the refund.

Note: Partial refunds are not available with Adyen pinpads.  You will need to refund the entire payment and reprocess it.

Downloading an Update

Downloading an update
  • Logon to POS.
  • Use the Skip button to move past the table map (if enabled).
  • Choose the Updates button from the toolbar to download any pending updates.
  • The POS will automatically restart and apply updates once downloaded.

Exiting the POS

Exiting the POS
  • Logon to POS.
  • Use the Skip button to move past the table map (if enabled).
  • Choose the Power button from the toolbar to exit the POS.
  • Enter your password to authorise, and close the application.

Recording a Tip

Recording a tip
  • Use the Pay button to access the sale settlement screen.
  • Choose the relevant Media type.
  • Enter the Tip amount, or
  • Enter the Tendered amount and use the Allocate the change amount as tips button.

Note: tips for integrated EFTPOS should be applied by the customer using the EFTPOS pinpad.

Setting the Home Keypad

Setting the home keypad
  • Choose the Admin button on the toolbar.
  • Enter your password.
  • Select Hardware
  • Choose the Home Keypad from the list of available keypads.

This is the keypad that the POS will automatically display each time the software is opened.

Resending Sales

Resending sales
  • Choose the Admin button on the toolbar.
  • Enter your password.
  • Choose Upload/Resend, then the Resend Sales button
  • Highlight the sales file(s) that need to be sent.  You can select multiple files if you enable the Enable multiple file selection option.
  • Use the Upload Selected button.
  • Confirm that you want to resend the files by choosing the Send button on the confirmation message.
  • Once the files are uploaded, choose OK on the confirmation message.
  • Use the Close button to exit the Admin section.

Accessing POS Reports

Accessing POS reports
  • Choose the Admin button on the toolbar.
  • Enter your password.
  • Choose Reports
  • The list of available reports are divided into Trading Reports and Staff Reports.
  • Select the relevant report and use the Select button to run.
  • Enter the relevant details on the Report Selection Criteria if needed and use the Run Report button.
  • Use the Printer icon to print the report.