Real-Time Production Orders (Overview)

Real-Time Production Orders allow your kitchen staff visibility of customer orders the moment each item is entered, rather than having to wait for the sale to be saved or finalised.


What are Real-Time Production Orders?

Key Features


Use Cases

Would you like to use Real-Time Production Orders?

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Real-Time Production Orders is a solution that aims to optimise the order-making process.
This functionality allows kitchen staff to view customer orders in real-time, even before they are finalised, reducing production make time.
The benefits for the business are evident, such as faster turnaround times and improved customer satisfaction.  Additionally, this system benefits customers by reducing wait times, especially in Drive-Through venues. 
With configurable business rules that enforce order visibility, sequencing, and sales type, Real-Time Production Orders ensure that staff can efficiently and effectively manage and process orders, creating a seamless and satisfying customer experience.


What are Real-Time Production Orders?

The Real-Time Production Orders functionality will send live orders as they are entered at the POS directly to the KMS devices allowing kitchen staff to begin preparing them even before the sale is saved or completed. 
As a sale is being entered, adjustments may be made to previously entered items, these will flow through to the card on the KMS in the following ways:
  • Increases to quantity will be notated with a green upwards-facing arrow to the right of the quantity figure.
  • Decreased quantity will be noted with a red downwards-facing arrow to the right of the quantity figure.
  • Removals of PLUs will be notated with both strikethrough of the line and italicised text.
 Live orders will be differentiated from saved/finalised orders by replacing the time figure on the card with the text “Live Order” in red text.
While live orders are displayed for staff to start the production process, they cannot be actioned in any way until they are saved or finalised at the POS.  That is, they cannot be served, pushed, printed, parked, or have a strike applied.

Key Features 

The Real-Time Production Orders feature applies to all types of kitchens and can be particularly valuable in fast-paced settings where reducing order preparation time is crucial, such as in drive-through venues.
  • Kitchen staff have immediate visibility of orders as they are being entered.
  • Changes made during the ordering process are highlighted.
  • Paperless Kitchen devices may be configured to show only Real Time or 'live' sales.


Use Cases 

Any ongoing situation where, when orders are being entered at POS, a production screen role(s) needs to display items before the order has been saved or finalised.



To utilise Real Time Production Orders, the following versions are required.

Polygon POS Management: 2303.23.1 or later
Polygon POS Terminal: 2303.23.1 or later
Polygon Intelligent Production Display:  2023.23.1 or later

Clients wishing to utilise Real Time Production Orders must:
  • have a Polygon POS installation at the store
  • be utilising the Polygon Paperless kitchen management system for production output.


Would you like to use Real Time Production Orders?

To see how you can utilise this functionality in your business, contact your account manager or contact us at 1300 4 REDCAT.


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Related Articles

Further information can be found in the following articles.




Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

Mar 2023

First publication of this article.