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  2. Loyalty & Marketing
  3. Advanced Loyalty Management Functions

Referral Tracking in App via Registration Codes


Key Features

Use Case


Programming Registration Codes

Registration Code Embedded in URL

Awarding a Registration Bonus

Reporting on Registration Codes

Other Considerations

Related Functionality


Referral tracking in app by registration code is a feature that allows businesses to track and determine the effectiveness of a recruitment campaign for their loyalty program when members register.

A QR code with the registration code embedded in the URL can be used to prefill the code on the loyalty member registration form.

The registration code can be included as a trigger on a registration bonus campaign and reporting on the code against members is available.

referral tracking app

Key Features

The key features of this functionality are:

  • Registration code embedded in a URL can be converted to a QR code.

  • Registration code can be entered manually or prefilled by QR code when members register.
  • Scanning the QR code will open the app if it is installed, or open a web registration form if no app is found.
  • More than one Registration Code can run simultaneously.
  • A registration bonus campaign can be applied with the referral code as the trigger.
  • The registration code is saved against the member for reporting purposes.

Use Case

This functionality is designed to track a configured registration code when members register to your loyalty programme.


Referral tracking in App is available to businesses licensed for Polygon Loyalty and either OLO2 or OLO3 apps.

Please speak to your Redcat contact to ensure that your Polygon Central and app build versions are up to date with the necessary deployments (deployments after 6 June 2024)

Programming Registration Codes

To program valid registration codes:

  • Sign in to Polygon Central
  • Navigate to Configuration | Loyalty.  If your Admin user has not been granted access to configuration settings, reach out to your Redcat contact to assist.
  • Scroll down to the Registration Codes 
    • Enter the Valid Registration Codes.  
      These should be lowercase with no spaces, entered within square brackets [ ], encased by single quote marks (‘ ‘) and separated by commas (,).   
      For example ['foodfest', 'rovers']
    • If you want the customer advised when an invalid registration code is used, ensure the Error Upon Incorrect Registration Codes setting is on.
    • If you want to remove the Registration Code field from the member registration form turn the Hide Registration Code on Register setting on.
      Note: In Configuration | Screen Layout | Register Configuration, the RegistrationCode field must be set to Optional & Hidden.

registration codes

registration code

Registration Code Embedded in URL

The URL used to link to your member registration form with the Registration Code embedded is formatted:


For example:

Awarding a Registration Bonus

You can include the Registration Code as the trigger for awarding the member a specific registration bonus.

This will need to be setup as a campaign in your database by the Redcat team, and a provisioning request will need to be submitted to have it actioned.  Reach out to your Redcat contact for assistance.

Reporting on Registration Codes

Reporting on the registration codes saved against members is available in the following report in Polygon Central.

  • Reports | Loyalty Report | Member Details

registration code reporting

You can also create Member Segments based on the Registration Code field.

In these articles, you can learn more about reporting in Polygon Central and Member Segments.

Polygon Central - Reporting


Other Considerations

The registration code will be validated against the configuration in Polygon Central when the member registers, however:
  • The member will be advised if a registration code is invalid, but this will not stop the registration from proceeding.
  • Invalid codes will not be saved against member records.

Related Functionality

You might also be interested in this functionality related to Loyalty & Marketing.




Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

May 2024

First publication of this article.

S Black