Retired Features in Polygon POS

The section lists the features and functions which have been retired in Polygon POS, describes the original functionality or purpose, explains why it has been retired and includes additional notes if applicable.

POS Reports

System Setting

Terminal Setting

Peripheral Setting

Peripheral Type

POS Functions

POS Keypad Button


Promo Player

POS Reports

Retired Item

What did it do?

Reason for change.

Additional Comments

Historical trade data stored for reporting at POS.

Tallied back-dated POS sales data for a limited set of POS reports (eg. Sales by PLU Class).

Reduction in database overhead and storage of unused transaction data.

Not known to be in use as real-time reporting has been made widely available via Polygon Central.

DABS (Daily Automated Banking Summary).

Launched web browser at POS to post a specific set of end-of-day information into a form.

This function is specific to legacy SmartReports system only, which is reaching end-of-life. Polygon POS interacts with Polygon Central only.


Delivery module driver management reports.

Returned transaction list based on local driver assignment in the Delivery module.

Delivery module not ported.


Cash drawer clearance report.

Returned a list of cash drawer clearances performed during current trade session.

Cash drawer clearance function not ported yet.

Will be ported if necessary, but as cash payments are declining, this has not been prioritised.

Trading Contribution Report.

Custom formatted report.

Not widely used and is now accessible via BOH.



System Setting

Retired Item

What did it do?

Reason for change.

Additional Comments

Hide the ‘T’ button on numeric keypads

Setting has been renamed to Disable manual Table Number entry as the behaviour is slightly different.

Used for configurations where saving a sale to a table number shouldn’t be available.

'OK’ and ‘T’ buttons have been replaced by a button that is labelled either ‘Table’ or ‘Save’ depending on the current state of the transactions and what actions are valid.

‘Table’ button now calls pop up window to enter table number. If number has been selected before the ‘Table’ button was pressed, then this will be pre-filled in the pop up window. This makes it more obvious about what the ‘Table’ button is doing.

Where ‘Save’ is not a valid action, and this setting is also enabled, the Table button is greyed out.

Insert new items at selected list position.

Allowed you to select any point in the order at POS and insert items at that point.   If disabled items entered were always added to the end of the sale.

Majority of databases have this setting enabled as the feature was developed as a requested enhancement.

Insert at selected list position is now the default behaviour for POS.

Default workflow will always enter items at the end of the list unless you select another position in the list.  To force an item to the end of the list select the last item in the list before entering.

Print production dockets as receipts.

The setting was originally built for clients with self-Delivery, as a way of providing an auto-receipt specifically for Delivery and Pick Up orders, at the production/dispatch station rather than at the front counter.

This setting is rarely used.

If this is required in the future we’ll look at a better solution to allow configuration of auto-printing receipts by Sale Type.

Enable Cash Drawer Management (dual cash drawers).

Allowed two cash drawers configured on a single POS terminal.  A staff member was logged onto a drawer and the drawer would only open for that staff member (and managers).

This feature is used by very few clients.

Cash payment is declining compared to other payment methods.


Enable cash float tracking.

Allowed the entry of opening and closing cash float amounts at POS.

This feature is used by very few clients.

Feature only had very basic functionality and was not what most clients are after for float tracking.

Cash payments are declining.


Enter payment amount in cents.

Allowed you to enter the payment amount in cents instead of dollars.

This setting existed to cater for users accustomed to a certain cash-register-like behaviour that is no longer prevalent in modern systems.



Terminal Setting

Retired Item

What did it do?

Reason for change.

Additional Comments

Cashier (single logon).

Allowed you to log a single user into the POS.

This feature is used by very few clients.

No tracking of what staff members have jumped onto that POS to take orders.



Peripheral Setting

Retired Item

What did it do?

Reason for change.

Additional Comments

Number of Copies (for Receipts).

Allowed you to set how many copies of the customer receipt (tax invoice) you wanted to print.

User can print on demand if more than one copy is required.

Number of copies is still applicable to production dockets.


Peripheral Type

Retired Item

What did it do?

Reason for change.

Additional Comments

Legacy Production Monitor.

Original kitchen production screen software.

Superseded by Intelligent Production Display which has been available for some time in Legacy POS.

If running any instances of Production Monitor (SmartKitchen) at time of conversion an IPD role needs to be created then setup on the applicable devices.

You can learn about creating roles for IPD's here

Customer Display
(2 line VFD)

2 Line customer display connected via a com port.

Superseded by digital Customer Facing Displays.  These have also replaced the Promo Player.

Details on the new Customer Facing Displays can be found here.


POS Functions

Retired Item

What did it do?

Reason for change.

Additional Comments

Ability to create table objects at FOH.

Allowed you to create table map objects on the fly at POS.

Assessed as a low use item with poor user experience as objects created on the fly are lost upon receiving data update from BOH.

Having only one place to control this provides consistency and less chance of confusion.

Add item mode that increases Qty on the current row in the sale list.

With Legacy POS, under certain conditions, it was possible to add the same item from the keypad and have this increase the Qty on the existing item row, instead of adding each new click as a new item row.

This behaviour adds complexity in several areas of the POS with regards to management of the sale list and Add Item cases such as QSO items, Text PLUs, etc.

Same end result can be achieved using the + Qty button, or by using the numerical pinpad to enter a Qty and then select the PLU.

Over-payment with gift card or loyalty cash card..

Ability to overpay with gift card or loyalty cash card, and have the overpayment recorded as change.

New payment flow records Amount and Tendered on every payment which encourages (and requires) tighter rules on these kinds of conditions.

Gift Cards (and similarly Loyalty Cash) are generally marketed as not redeemable for Cash.

If users are overpaying these so as to burn the card and process the change as a Tip, then they should record the Tip amount correctly against this payment.

You can learn about recording tips in Polygon POS here

Delivery Module

Window to assign customers and drivers to a delivery, or pickup sale.

Replaced with customer lookup feature to assign to the transaction.

Driver Assignment is not currently used by any known customers.

Self Delivery (entering clients address) via Phone Order is now uncommon due to Online Ordering.

Functions such as Driver Assignment and Client Address details at this stage are not available.

EMS Interface.

Integration to GCS or Thyme External Membership Systems (for golf clubs).

Not widely in use and requires heavy, custom maintenance.


External POS Interface

Custom output file detailing trade data created for external use at end of trade session.

Not widely in use.

TBC if required for two specific clients.

Add New Media to POS Reset

Added a media type to the reset that was not present according to sales contained with in the reset data.

Removed to encourage correct processing of sales at POS.



POS Keypad Button

Retired Item

What did it do?

Reason for change.

Additional Comments

Open Gift Card Fast Finaliser.

Open Loyalty Cash Fast Finaliser.

Allowed you to overpay the transaction by either of these payment methods.

Overpaid amounts were treated as a cash refund.

Gift Cards (and similarly Loyalty Cash) are generally marketed as not redeemable for Cash.

Brings in line with other Fast Finalisers to be full transaction amounts only, anything else is to be completed via the Pay Screen.


Price Level Change = Open.

Prompted you to enter a number to select which Price Level you wanted to change to.

Using Price Level change buttons specific for each price level gives you better control and can have security levels applied if required.

Price levels can still be changed automatically if configured.

You can learn about automatic price level changes here

Select Club Member

Launched picklist of EMS members (for golf clubs).

EMS Interface not ported.


Select Take-Away Client

Launched picklist of clients from a local file.

Delivery module not ported.


Zoom Current Sale

Launched the Zoom Sale window.

Not widely in use.

Always available as toolbar button.

Learn more about the Zoom Sale button here

Enter Handheld Qty.

Displayed a numerical pinpad to enter a Qty before selecting a PLU.

Handheld devices previously discontinued.

Qty can always be pre-entered in standard POS window using the number pinpad on the right.

Transfer Table.

Allowed you to transfer the contents from one table to another without needing to log out of POS to get back to the floorplan.

Floorplan is now accessible from any window at POS, if a Table sale is not already in progress.

You can learn more about Floorplans here, and the toolbar Floorplan button here.

Existing users should receive re-training for this feature.

This keypad button will be removed from the screen in Polygon POS if it is currently configured.

Discount %
Apply to: ‘All New Items’ mode

Allowed the configured discount to be applied only to additional items entered on an existing open sale.

New Dynamic recalculation of discounts makes this discount type obsolete.

You can learn more about how discounts work in Polygon POS here

If requirement arises for a similar feature, a new version/mode will be built.

Discount %
Apply to: ‘Last Item’ mode

Applied the configured discount against the last item entered.

Superseded by ‘Selected Item’ discount.


Discount %
Apply to: ‘Last Item inc. Instructions’ mode

Applied the configured discount against the last item entered including any instructions applied.

Superseded by ‘Selected Item – inc. Instructions’




Retired Item

What did it do?

Reason for change.

Additional Comments

POS Gate.

Integrated EFTPOS solution.

Not in use by any client



Integrated EFTPOS solution.

Not in use by any client


EFT Cash Out

Added a cash out amount to the charge push to the EFTPOS pinpad, and recorded that amount as a deduction from Cash holdings.

Not in use by any client



Promo Player

Retired Item

What did it do?

Reason for change.

Additional Comments

Display Boards.

Promotional or menu board displays controlled from the POS terminal.

Will be replaced with a web application.

Details on the new Customer Facing Displays can be found here.



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

May 2023

Updated Peripheral Type section to include 2-line VFD connected via com port.  These are superseded by the new digital Customer Display Screens which also replace the Promo Player.


July 2023

Updated EFTPOS section to include EFT Cash Out function.