Sign Up with Google, Facebook and Apple

This article will help you add Sign Up with Google, Facebook or Apple using your Loyalty Portal or app.

You may offer your customers the option to register for your loyalty program using credentials supplied by Google, Facebook or Apple and negating the need for them to complete the member registration form.

Once registered, the member can use the same process to sign in, without entering a username and password.

sign up continue

If a member profile does not already exist with the credentials supplied by Google, Facebook or Apple a new member will be registered (and automatically verified).  The member profile will contain only the identifiers passed by Google, Facebook or Apple - usually only name and email address.
If a member profile does exist with the supplied credentials, the member will be Signed In.

Collecting Additional Details & Opt-In for Marketing

As Google, Facebook or Apple pass only the minimum data identifiers, you can add configuration to present a modal to the customer for them to provide some additional data for their profile, and allow them to opt-in for marketing.

Additionally, you can decide to reward the customer for providing additional details.  The reward may be the addition of:

  • member points, or
  • member money, or
  • a coupon

You may include any, or all, of these fields and designate them as 'required' or 'optional'.

  • mobile
  • date of birth
  • postcode
  • favourite store
  • send promotional material via email
  • send promotional material via SMS
  • agree to terms & conditions
The heading and explanatory text are configurable so that you can best reflect your business.

more details

The rules governing additional details for Oauth customers are:

  • the customer may close the modal without providing data.
  • the customer will not be asked again if they close without providing data.
  • if a reward is configured it will only be awarded if ALL fields are completed even if some fields are designated optional.

Implementation Process

You will need to touch base with your Redcat Account Manager or Contact as some provisioning will be required to implement the options in your Loyalty Portal.

To facilitate the provisoning, you will need to provide:

For Google 

  • Credentials to access your Firebase Console – from here Redcat will obtain the following keys:
    • Google Client ID
    • Google Client Secret

For Facebook 

  • Create a Facebook app at URL and add with Admin access.

Advice should be sought from your own internal team or advisors if further instruction on this process is required.

For Apple

Provisioning for Apple is wholly internal and you will not need to provide any access or credentials.



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

May 2024

The original article has been updated to include a configurable modal to collect additional details for the member profile and allow them to opt-in for marketing.

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