Status Screens: Average Wait Time Pane

An Average Wait Time pane is a pane that can be configured and assigned to Status Screen.  It may be the only pane required, or it can be displayed alongside an order status pane(s).

It will allow you to view  Average Order Wait Times by Sale Type.

The aim is to provide visibility into how long customers might expect to wait for an order.  It would enable staff to relay accurate wait times when asked, or for customers to determine if they 'have time' before their movie starts!

average wait times

You may choose to include the aggregate average wait time for all sales types in the pane - if you do, this will always be the first record displayed and will be labelled All Orders.  In addition, you can choose when configuring the Average Wait Time pane which individual Sale Types to display.

This article has instructions on configuring an Average Wait Time pane and including it on a Status Screen.

Status Screens


How is the wait time for each order calculated?

The wait time for each order starts when the order is received by the POS (either manually entered at the POS or initiated by online ordering) and ends when it is served from the Paperless Kitchen device designated as the Kitchen Controller.

You can find details on assigning a KMS device as the Kitchen Controller here.

How is the average order wait time calculated?

The average order wait times are refreshed on a configured time frame and are calculated using the average wait time of the last x number of transactions per Sale Type that have occurred in the last y minutes.

These variables are determined by configuration settings in the Polygon POS Management database. 

You can find details on how to apply these configuration settings in the Polygon POS Management database here.  Scroll to the section on Printing - Paperless Kitchen.

If there are no sales that meet the configured criteria for a Sale Type (for example, no Pickup sales in the last 20 minutes), the Average Order Lead Time applicable to the store will be used for that Sale Type.


Related Articles

The User Guide for Status Screens is here.

You may find the related information in this article helpful.

KMS: Updating Order Statuses


Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

Jan 2023

First publication of this article