MIM - Submenus (User Guide)

The article will provide instructions on creating and managing Submenus for your online ordering menu using the Menu Information Manager.


How to Access


Creating a Submenu

Editing a Submenu

Quickly Creating 'like' Submenus

Deleting a Submenu

Related Articles


Submenus are how similar items are grouped to be displayed in sections for your online ordering menu.

Submenus are assigned one or more menus under Menu Configuration.

In the Submenus section, you will:

  • create or manage Submenus
  • determine the customer-facing name for this submenu
  • determine if this submenu is available to all POS locations or a subset of your POS locations.
  • select the individual Items to be included in the submenu

If Brands are enabled within your business you can also

  • assign a submenu to a specific brand
  • nest other submenus on this submenu instead of including individual Items

The Product Overview article for Menu Information Manager is here

cat's coffee

How to Accessmenu management

To access Submenus

  • Login to Polygon Central
  • Choose Menu Management from the menu
  • Choose Submenus from the sub-menu options.


Note: A Polygon Central user must be assigned a user Role with the following privileges in order to create and manage Submenus.
MIM - Submenus (view)
MIM - Submenus (update)



As Submenus are added, they can be accessed and maintained as follows:

  1. Use the Create Submenu button to program a new Submenu record.
  2. Search for a specific Submemu using the Find Submenu field.
  3. Click on any column heading to sort by any column, an arrow will indicate if the current sort is ascending ­ or descending. Click on the column heading again to reverse the sort order.
  4. Use the edit icon to open a Sunbmenu and view or modify the details. 
  5. Use the copy icon to use the details in the current record as a starting point for a new Submenu.
  6. Use the delete icon to remove a Submenu from the system.
  7. Use the Show/Hide Columns icon to add or remove columns from the list view.
    The default list will show:
        Display Name
    Also available is:
        Type (item or submenu)

Creating a Submenu

When creating a Submenu, each of the products you want to include must first exist either as Items or Composite Items.

You can find more information on Items here.

You can find more information about Composite Items here.

To add a new Submenu:

  • Use the Create Submenu button to open the Create Submenu form.
  • Enter the internal name for this Submenu in the Name field.
  • Enter the Display Name for this Submenu.  This is the name that will be displayed on the menu for the customer.
  • If this Submenu is to be available to all Locations it is not necessary to select them all from the locations drop-down list.  However, if required, you can select one or a subset of the available locations and this submenu will only be available on the menu for the selected locations.
  • If this Submenu is to be available to specific Brands, select those applicable from the brand drop-down list.
  • Indicate the Submenu Availability that will apply by selecting the relevant radio button:
    • If the Submenu is always available on the menu, choose All day.
    • If the Submenu is to be included in a Daypart Menu complete the Scheduled section.
      • enter the applicable start and end times using the drop-down selectors.
      • select the applicable days from the drop-down list.
  • Use the Add Item to select the products you want to be included in this Submenu from the Add Items list.  You can choose to include:
       - Items
       - Composite Items
    • The Items and Composite Items will be displayed for the customer in the order they are listed here.  You can drag and drop them to reorder the list if required.
    • Drill down into the Item or Composite Item to change it using the edit icon if required (the Edit Item or Edit Composite Item form will open).
    • Remove an Item or Composite Item from this Choice Set using the delete icon.
  • Use the Save button in the top right corner to record the details for this Submenu.
 submenu creation

Adding a Menu Category Image

If the submenu is to be used for a kiosk menu you can assign an image to be displayed above the name text. 

Note: these images are utilised for kiosk menus only - they will not be displayed on web or app platforms.

  • You can drag and drop an image onto the form, or use the browse button to navigate to and select the image.
    • File formats for images supported for kiosk images are gif, bmp, jpg, jpeg, png, webp and SVG.
To remove a menu category image, hover over the image and use the overlaid X to delete it from the submenu.

menu category image

Editing a Submenu

If you need to make changes to a Submenu:

  • Select the Submenu from the list and use the edit icon (see point 4 above) to display the Edit Submenu form.
  • Make any amendments required and use the Save button in the top right corner to record the changes.

Quickly Creating 'like' Submenus

If you need to program a few Submenus that are similar to Submenus already created you can:

  • Select the Submenu to be used as your base from the list and use the copy icon (see point 5 above) to display the Create Submenu form. 
    The form will be displayed with the same details as the source and the save button will be disabled until you make a change.
  • Make any amendments required and use the (now enabled) Save button in the top right corner to record the new Submenu.

Deleting a Submenu

If you need to delete a Submenu:

  • Select the Submenu from the list and use the delete icon (see point 6 above).
  • Confirm your delete action.  You will be advised if the Submenu you are about to delete has been included in menu configuration.


Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

June 2023

First publication of this article.

S Black

June 2024

Updated to include scheduling for Daypart Menus in Submenu Availability section.

S Black

July 2024

Updated to include the ability to assign an image to the submenu for use with kiosks (category image).

S Black