System Generated Emails


This document outlines each of the available system generated emails for the Polygon Loyalty and Ordering systems. For clients who wish to provide HTML email templates, specifications below may be provided to the designer. 

For clients who wish to use default, plain text emails this document may be used to provide custom wording if necessary. 



Email 'From' Address

Email Templates

Order Confirmation Email

Purchasing a Gift Card

Purchasing a Gift Card as a GIFT


HTML Template Specifications

Redcat do not provide HTML formatted emails for Polygon Loyalty.  However, these may be implemented on behalf of the client as provided by a designer or web developer.   

The following recommendations apply: 

  • Email templates must be HTML only, any CSS and styling must be embedded in the document. 
  • Images may be hosted externally, or they can be hosted by Redcat [png format only as some email clients have issues displaying jpg format] 
  • Available data fields from the Loyalty database which are stored against the receiving member may be inserted within the email to personalise the content. It is recommended that we only use fields marked as ‘Required’ during registration, to ensure data is always going to be available. Example: FirstName. 


Email 'From' Address

All system generated emails will be sent from one address. Redcat recommends that you provide an email address that is monitored. For example:  

See below for example contents of each system email. 


Email Templates

Forgot Password

This email is mandatory

It is sent to a member when they submit a Forgot Password request via the form on the loyalty app or website. 

Default email subject:  
Forgotten password reset 

Default email content:  

Hi <FirstName>, 

We hear you've forgotten your password. Click here or copy and paste the link below into your browser below to reset it. 

Still remember? Ignore this email and log in with your current password. 



Email Verification

This email is optional

It will be sent to a member when they first submit their Registration, only if Validate Registration option is enabled. 

Default email subject:  
Verify your email 

Default email content:

Hi <FirstName>, 

To complete your registration please click on the following link
If this doesn't work, copy and paste this link into your browser: 



Welcome Email

This email is optional

If Send Welcome Email option is enabled, this email will be sent when a member is successfully registered. 

NOTE: If Validate Registration option is enabled, the welcome email is sent after email verification is complete. 

Default email subject:  

Default email content: 

Hi <FirstName> 

Thanks for registering, and welcome to <LoyaltyAppName>! 

The <LoyaltyAppName> Team 



Lost Card Transfer Emails

These two emails are mandatory if offering physical loyalty cards. 

Transfer Request 

Default email subject:  
Card transfer 

Default email content: 

Hi <FirstName> 

We heard that you lost your loyalty card, <LostCardNumber> and have replaced it with a new one.  You are in the process of transferring your points to the new card.  Click here or copy and paste the link below into your browser to confirm the transfer. 



Transfer Confirmation 

Default email subject:  
Card transfer complete 

Default email content:

Hi <FirstName>, 

Just confirming that your details and points have been transferred to your new card <NewCardNumber> 

The <LoyaltyAppName> Team 



Order Confirmation Email

This email is mandatory if using the Polygon Customer Ordering module. 

Default email subject:  
Order Acknowledgement  

Default email content:  

Hi <FirstName>, 

Your order has been received for <StoreName> 

Order Number 



<Full Name> 


<Mobile Number> 

Pickup Time 

<Month DD, YYYY at HH:MMPM 






Item Name 







Please contact the location on <StorePhone> if there are any issues. 



Purchasing a Gift Card

This email is mandatory if offering digital gift cards. 

Default email subject:  
Your Gift Card Details 

Default email content: 

Hi <FirstName> 

Thanks for your order! Your barcode is below. 

This card has a balance of <CardPurchaseAmount> which will expire after <ExpiryDate>.    Be sure to use it up by then. 


Can't see the barcode? Try this link: 

Card Number: <CardNumber>  
Verification PIN: <VerifyPin> 



Purchasing a Gift Card as a GIFT

These emails are mandatory if offering the purchase of digital gift cards to be delivered to someone as a GIFT. 


Purchaser’s Receipt for Gift Card Purchase as GIFT 

Default email subject:  
Gift Card Purchase Receipt 

Default email content:

Hi <FirstName>, 

Your order has been received for a gift card  
Recipient Details: 









Recipient Advice of a Gift Card

Default email subject:  
Your Gift Card Details 

Default email content:

Hi <RecipientName>, 

You've been sent a gift card by <PurchaserName>! 


This card has a balance of <GiftCardPurchaseAmount>  which will expire after <ExpiryDate>.   Be sure to use it up by then. 

barcode 2

Can't see the barcode? Try this link: 

Card Number: <CardNumber>  
Verification PIN: <VerifyPIN> 




For any assistance or feedback regarding this information please contact: 



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

November 2023

Updated article to include printed text on gift card emails to indicate which number is the card number and which is the verification code.

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