Tax Code Per Sale Type (Overview)

This article provides details on the ability to assign an overriding tax code to a sale type. This allows a single PLU to be used in situations where different tax codes apply if the item is sold for consumption on or off premise.


Use Cases


Related Functionality


Businesses are now able to apply a tax code to a sale type and have the POS use this to override the tax code applied to individual PLUs.

This new functionality will allow hospitality businesses in the UK to accurately calculate and apply VAT to their food orders depending on whether the food is ordered for eat-in or takeaway, saving time and money and ensuring compliance with VAT regulations.

Use Cases

This functionality is designed to cover the following use case generally:

  • Where the tax type programmed for a PLU does not apply if the item is included in a sale of a particular sale type.

Specifically for UK businesses, it will allow:

  • Dine In sale

    • Dine In sale type has VAT Inclusive applied.
    • Tax types on individual PLUs will be overridden and the default VAT rate will be applied to all items in the sale.
  • Takeaway sale 
    • Takeaway sale type does not have a tax code applied. 
    • Tax types specified for each PLU in Polygon POS Management will be adhered to - those PLUs assigned VAT Free will attract no VAT and those assigned VAT Inclusive will attract the default VAT rate.
  • Sale with a mix of Dine In and Takeaway
    • Sale is assigned Dine In sale type.
    • Tax types on individual PLUs will be overridden and the default VAT rate will be applied to all items in the sale.   A programmed GST Override button will be used to revert the takeaway items to the tax code programmed for each PLU. 


This functionality is available only to customers with a Polygon POS installation at the store and the following versions are required:

  • Polygon POS Management 2308.14.1 or later
  • Polygon POS 2309.13.3 or later

Related Functionality

You might like to have a look at the following complementary functionality that allows you to assign a default sale type to your POS terminal.



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

October 2023

First publication of this article.

Susan B