Understanding Discounts

Discount buttons included on the Product Keypads can be programmed with various values and applications.

Discount buttons may have a set $value or %, or they may be ‘open’ (you get to enter the $value or % when using the button at the POS).  

They may be programmed to apply to:

  • the subtotal of the sale [D],
  • a selected item in the sale [S]
  • a selected item in the sale and any instructions [S]
  • all items in the sale of a particular class group (food, beverage or other) [D]
  • all items in the sale of a particular class [D].

These discounts are then classified as either:

  • Dynamic, or
  • Static.

Static discounts are those which by their nature apply only to a specific item.  This also includes discounts that are programmed to apply to a specific item and any instructions attached to that item. These are marked with [S] in the list above.

Dynamic discounts are those that can apply to more than one item in the sale.  These are marked with [D] in the list above.

When a dynamic discount is added to a sale the discount amount is calculated and displayed.  If new items are subsequently added to the sale or items are removed from the sale, the discount amount will continue to be dynamically updated.