Upselling in OLO3


To help boost customer average spend, Upselling prompts can be included for customer ordering platforms (web, app and kiosk).

Upsell prompts can be applied:

  • for specific items as they are added to the cart
  • as the customer hits the View Cart button.


To take advantage of Upselling businesses must have transitioned to using MIM (Menu Information Manager) to program and publish to OLO3 (Online Ordering 3).

  • Polygon Central deployed after [date to be added after merge] is required.

How To Create Upselling Prompts?


You may need to confirm with your Redcat contact that all configuration settings are applied as required.

These options are not generally exposed to Admin users.

Settings are located:

Configuration | Menu Management| Upsell

  • Do you want to Show Upsell Items At Item Add?  This will prompt the customer with the upsell choice set assigned to an individual item when it is added to the customer cart.
  • Do you want to Show Upsell Items At Checkout?  This will prompt the customer with the upsell choice set assigned to the menu when the customer uses the View Cart button.
  • What should the Default Upsell Display Title be?  This text will be displayed at the top of the Upsell modal when a specific title is not defined in the Upselling section of the item or menu.
  • What is the Amount Of Items To Display when the Upsell modal is presented to the customer?

Apply Upsell Choice Sets

You need to apply the choice sets to be used for Upselling to the applicable items and menus.

You can find the instructions on how to do this in these articles.



The following must be considered for Upselling:

  • There can only be one (1) choice set assigned as the Upselling choice set on checkout.
  • A customer will be prompted with the Upselling modal at checkout only once during a sale, not each time they move from the menu to View Cart.
  • The Upsell choice set applied to an item will not be presented to the customer when the item is selected as a composite item variant.
  • The Upsell choice set applied to an item will not be presented to the customer when the item is selected as part of a choice within another item.
  • Items in included an Upsell choice set should be simple items, that is, they do not have choice sets programmed.  Any item that does have choice sets will be filtered from the Upsell modal.

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Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

June 2024

First publication of this article.

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