Webhooks for Coupon Creation & Redemption (Implementation)




Configuration Setting



As part of our partnership with Impact Data, we strive to enhance our integration to uphold our customers' growing demand for more personalised marketing experiences.  To support this goal, we are enhancing the data available to be shared with Talk Box regarding coupons created for members and their redemption details.

Introducing webhooks to report details when coupons are created or redeemed in real-time will allow our customers to generate branded marketing emails and notify customers about the coupons.

The overview article for Webhooks for Coupon Create & Redemption is here.


To utilise this functionality the following version is required:

  • Polygon Central:  2.0.396 or later


To implement this functionality a provisioning request will need to be submitted to the development team to:

  • confirm all required configuration settings are enabled
  • insert the user-supplied webhook URL(s)

Configuration Setting

To avoid overload, both for the task server on creation and for the webhook when reporting, you may choose to limit the number of coupons in each task server call.  The default setting for this configuration is 200.

To do this:

  • Access Polygon Central | Configuration | System
  • Navigate to Task Server Details
  • Enter the Maximum Coupons Generated Per Job
task server details


The webhooks are:

  • CouponCreate
  • CouponRedeem

These can be seen in tbl_webhooks.




Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

October 2023

First publication of this article.

Susan B