Windcave Payments Integration (User Guide)


Finalising a Sale at the POS


Refunding Dojo Transactions at the POS

Dealing with Timeout | Error Situations

   Timeout from the Pinpad

   Error at the POS

   Checking the transaction status using the Dojo Pinpad



Who are Windcave?

Windcave Omnichannel Solutions facilitate seamless e-commerce, retail and unattended transactions for customers around the world.
They are certified with all the major credit card schemes, PCI DSS compliant, and provide innovative end-to-end payment solutions ensuring transactions are safe, smooth and secure.

windcave logo

Previously known as Payment Express, Redcat has Windcave payments integrations installed at sites in:

  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • United Kingdom 

The Product Overview article for Windcave Payments Integration is here


Finalising a Sale at the POS

To finalise a sale using Windcave at the POS Terminal: 

  • Enter the menu items as normal and choose eftpos as the payment method - either:
    • using a fast finaliser button programmed on your product keypad, or
    • accessing the Pay screen and using the Integrated Eftpos button. 
  • POS will send the transaction to the Windcave pinpad and display a series of updates as the customer progresses with the payment on the pinpad.


Refunding a Windcave transaction at the POS

To refund a sale finalised via Windcave at the POS Terminal: 

  • Locate the transaction to be refunded in the Sales file.
  • Use the Edit Sale button to recall the sale. 
  • On the Pay Screen, highlight the media payment. 
  • Choose the Delete Payment button. 
  • The system will advise that an EFT reversal must be issued.  Choose Reverse Transaction to process the reversal.
  • POS will send the reversal to the Windcave pinpad 
    • You will need to swipe the Windcave merchant card and enter the relevant PIN to authorise the pinpad to process the reversal.  The customer can then swipe/enter their card and PIN and follow the prompts on the pinpad to finalise the reversal.
  • You may now either finalise the sale with another payment method, or clear the sale.

The process described above will reverse the entire media payment processed via Windcave. Alternatively, the articles listed below describe the actions required to issue either a full or partial reversal of the payment and have the system specifically record it as a refund.

There is an article with detailed instructions for Clearing Sales and Issuing Refunds.

You may also like to watch this video on the process of Issuing Refunds.

Dealing with Error Situations

The warning messages or errors presented may vary depending on whether the situation arises from a timeout from the Dojo pinpad, or an error at the POS.

Timeout from the Pinpad

If the Windcave pinpad loses connectivity with the POS or takes a long time to respond, the POS will deem communication with the pinpad to have timed out.

You can try to process the transaction again after clearing the message.

vb timeout

Error at the POS

If an error has occurred at the POS before the payment for the sale has been successfully recorded (eg. the POS crashes) the POS will try to recover the transaction when it is relaunched.

  • You will get a message advising the sale that was in progress will be recovered, and to verify the payment - the pay screen will be opened when you choose OK.
  • Use the 1 - Check Last EFT Transaction Status button to query the eftpos transaction log.  The Last EFTPOS Transaction Status will be returned as OK if the payment for this transaction has been processed by the Windcave pinpad and successfully written to the POS eftpos transaction log.  It will be returned as Failed if the POS does not have a record of a successful payment response from the Windcave pinpad.
    • If OK
      2 - Reprint Last EFT Transaction Receipt
      for the customer if required
      Choose Finish
      Record a payment on the sale using a non-integrated eftpos media button (do not process the eftpos payment again as the customer has been charged).
    • If Failed
      Choose Cancel
      A payment will need to be recorded for this sale and you can process the customer eftpos payment again, or finalise the sale with another media type.  
      You should first determine if the original payment was successfully processed by Windcave by checking the transaction listing on the pinpad (see Checking the transaction status using the Dojo Pinpad).

failed transaction

Checking the transaction status using the Windcave Portal

You can check the transaction listing within your Windcave portal to determine if Windcave has successfully processed a transaction.

To do this:

  • Log in to your Windcave portal.
  • Select Transactions, then Transaction Search from the menu options.
  • A listing of today's transactions will be displayed.
    • if your transaction is shown with a green tick in the authorised column, the payment has been taken from the customer.
    • if your transaction is listed with a red cross in the authorised column or the transaction is not listed here, the payment will need to be processed again.




Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

March 2024

First publication of this article.

S Black