Yumpingo Integration

This document provides details about Redcat's Yumpingo Integration.



What is the Yumpingo Integration?

Admin User Roles

Polygon Central Store Configuration

Polygon POS Management Settings



Yumpingo are an outcomes-driven company, helping hospitality businesses to uncover how well they are delivering against the expectations their brand has set in the market.

Yumpingo issue review or survey forms targeted at a recent transaction.

The integration may be configured to:

  • Contact the customer (member) via email
    The Yumpingo integration triggers an API call when a loyalty member transaction meets a configured criterion, containing details which will allow Yumpingo to issue an email to the member with a link to complete a review.
  • Print a QR code on the customer receipt which links to the review
    An API call is made requesting a feedback URL from Yumpingo and provided to Polygon POS if the sale meets a configured criterion, then rendered as a QR Code and printed on the customer receipt. This option is not restricted to loyalty member transactions.

The reviews are configured with Yumpingo and can be targeted to the store where the sale took place, and the items contained within that sale.

What is the Yumpingo Integration?

The Yumpingo Integration facilitates the collection of reviews targeted to a specific sale by customers.

The integration may be configured to:

  • Have Yumpingo issue an email containing a link to the review, or
  • Print a QR Code on the customer receipt at POS which will link to the review when scanned.

Email to Member

The Redcat Yumpingo Integration triggers a call to the Yumpingo API after a member transaction which meets specific configured criterion has occurred. Yumpingo will email the member a link to complete a Yumpingo Review. At the completion of the review the member can be redirected to a specified URL (perhaps a ‘thanks for the feedback’ page).

The Yumpingo email will include the ability for the customer to ‘unsubscribe from marketing material’, and optionally, can include a link for the member to view the applicable privacy policy.

This method can only be utilised to collect reviews from loyalty members as the loyalty profile contains not only an email address but also records the member permission (or not) to be contacted via email.

The call will only be posted for members who:

  • Have an email address saved in their profile, and
  • Have opted-in to email

The system will validate the opt-in status prior to posting the webhook.

Details sent will include:

  • Email address of the member
  • Store ID relevant to the transaction
  • Date, time and subtotal $ of the sale
  • SaleID
  • PLUs included in the transaction.

QR Code on POS Receipt

As this method is presented to customers as a QR Code for scanning, the requirement for email address and permission does not exist, and can therefore be utilised for any customer where the sale meets the configured criterion.

Integration via QR Code is available to clients with Polygon POS installations only (not supported by Legacy POS). An API call is made requesting a feedback URL from Yumpingo if the sale meets the configured criterion. The feedback URL is then rendered as a QR Code and printed on the customer receipt.

Details provided to Yumpingo to configure the review include:

  • Store ID relevant to the transaction
  • Date, time and subtotal $ of the sale
  • SaleID
  • PLUs included in the transaction.

The landing page for the review can contain a link to view the applicable privacy policy, and once the review is completed the customer will be redirected to a specified URL (perhaps a ‘thanks for the feedback’ page).

Admin User Roles

For Admin users to maintain Yumpingo store integrations the following user role is required:

Access to Yumpingo Store Configuration. 

Polygon Central - Store Configuration

To configure the Yumpingo integration record:

  • Access Polygon Central | Integrations | Yumpingo.
  • Use the Add Integration
  • Choose the relevant location from the Locations List
  • Enter the Venue ID supplied for this location by Yumpingo.
  • Use the Submit button to save.
store configuration

Polygon POS Management Settings

To utilise Yumpingo reviews by QR Code printed on POS receipts, the Yumpingo integration must be enabled in the Polygon POS Management database.

To do this:

  • Access the Default POS Location Settings
  • Select External System Interfaces | Customer Feedback Integrations| Yumpingo and ensure Enable the Yumpingo customer feedback integration setting is on.
  • You are able to enter the text you would like to print on the POS receipt immediately above the QR Code in the QR Code flavour text
  • If this is not going to be enforced as an HQ setting, repeat the above in the local POS Location System Settings for all relevant locations.
location settings

POS Receipt Printers

The POS receipt printers in store must have the ability to render a QR Code.

Redcat currently supports these printers with this ability:

  • Epson TM-88iv
  • Epson TM-88ivE

Other printer models would need to be tested for suitability before implementation.



Article Change Log

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The original article as migrated to the knowledge base.

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